ARE YOU BUYING FROM ALIBABA? is world largest B2B online platform, easy for importers to find numbers of suppliers for any products. But it you probably have following problems, when dealing with suppliers on Alibaba.

Do you have any of these problems?

  • Want to cut manufacturing costs by outsourcing from China, don’t have any trade experience.
  • We don’t have engineer, need help with your manufacturing design.
  • Workers have a difficult time managing the equipment, which leads to a loss of manpower, which, in turn, negatively affects the production process.
  • Materials are not used as well as they could be, quality control has suffered and the amount of waste has become a serious liability.
  • Inefficient production rates and a long delivery cycle have reduced your competitive edge.

Our Solutions

  • A shortage of technical workers, particularly the cutting workers and the material workers.
  • An increase in the cost of hiring technical talent.
  • Workers have a difficult time managing the equipment, which leads to a loss of manpower, which, in turn, negatively affects the production process.
  • Materials are not used as well as they could be, quality control has suffered and the amount of waste has become a serious liability.
  • Inefficient production rates and a long delivery cycle have reduced your competitive edge.

Are you concerned about looking for a machine supplier in China?

  • Find a professional supplier of sofa production equipment who will help you solve production problems.
  • Choose a company with a proven record of the highest quality in its equipment and its customer service, as well as its equitable pricing.
  • How long will it take to get the equipment to my site?

Our Solutions

  • We are a professional manufacturer of sofa production equipment. Customer service and value-based pricing are important parts of our product. More than 400 sofa factories around the world are using our equipment.
  • Our devices are all controlled by a servomotor that provides precise control of angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration. After many years of R&D, we have optimized transmission, control and cutting systems. For instance, for cloth transmission, we have designed a self-developed cloth laying system.
  • The precision and efficiency of our production processes greatly shorten the supply cycle. In general, your equipment will ship in 7 to 10 days.

Are you unsure about the installation and operation of the machine?

  • How to install the equipment and quickly master its use.
  • How to deal with equipment failure.

Our Solutions

  • We have prepared detailed videos explaining the installation and use of the equipment. There is also an Internet learning platform where customers can receive instructions prior to receiving the equipment.
  • When the customer buys the equipment, we make sure that he or she also has the recommended spare parts that will ensure there is no lengthy downtime in case of a glitch
  • We provide a video that can be downloaded from the Internet that covers possible problems that a customer may encounter and how to remedy the situation.
  • We give the customer 24 hours of online support and global on-site support services.